My lovely brother-in-law Christopher has been digging in Lista. (He's an archaelogist not a dog or a meany!) In Lista there's a shop called Trunken where you can buy all things american, not surprising that it's there, considering all the Norwegians from there that emigrated to 'Uniten' and came back with all their children called Robert, Stanley, Yvonne, Alf and Arnold, their beds with radios in and their humungous tv cabinets!!!
Now he wants to know where he can get stuff like that in Oslo.
Well I assume that he mostly wants food so with that in mind I suggest these places that stock a good assortment.
Otherwise, and Christopher knows this but others might not, there is a big 4th of July celebration in the Frogner Park each year on the nearest Saturday. You can enjoy muffins, Sloppy Joes and hot dogs all day! (Sorry Topher, not Oscar Meyer Wieners but here's a consolation prize!)
De har vist fra Trunken på TV for en stund siden. Utrolig artig butikk faktisk! Mange Amerika-folk på Lista,tror de har oppkalt gatene der etter Amerikanske gater!?